On March 19, 2019 Glenn Beck and Hannity discussed and were concerned that they had no answer to the current socialism craze. The following is Sharry Edwards, MEd’s response to their concern.


As an educator I seek to find the truth behind public debate. Today many young people, ignorant of the lessons of history, are turning to government and socialism as a “fix” for their malaise. They seek to replace our market economy with socialism and central planning. They reject “capitalism” but hardly know what it is. As a researcher and practitioner of Human BioAcoustics, the science of the sounds we make, I seek to learn how people perceive and communicate.

To my mind there are at least two kinds of Capitalism in this country:

1. Compassionate Capitalism for the little people who want to make a difference in
their communities and make things better for their families. This capitalism uses the
power of the market to meet people’s needs. In a lot of cases these Main Street Capitalists
are fighting city hall and the tax guys. It is a “common place” for this group to be very
skeptical of our government.

2. Callous Capitalism by big corporations, also known as Crony Capitalism, is what
Main Street does not appreciate because people see themselves being taken advantage of
by money grubbing crony corporations who use their political power to protect their
pocketbooks before they support the welfare of the people (Wall Street perpetuates this
concept). They preach “socialism for the powerful” and benefit from huge government
expenditure funding by borrowing against our children and grand-children’s futures.

Bring Back Compassionate Capitalism So
The People Can Feel Safe In Knowing That They Matter.

Why don’t they bring this out?

As sophomoric as the political antics of AOL and other “Freshmen” Congress Members are, they are unconsciously bringing up a great point about “Capitalism” that is being overlooked by those in charge. However, it is an idea which is slowly becoming blatantly clear to the “deplorables” who otherwise have little in common with the “Progressive Millennials.”

The second group has been created and is presently being promoted and protected by the “Deep State” including Congress. Why else would someone spend millions of dollars to be put in a position (President, Member of Congress) to earn around $150,000? There must be another payoff somewhere. I challenge all those Tweeters, Facebookers and YouTubers out there, and FOX — “The People’s Media” — to find the corruption and expose the Truth. That’s what Anonymous, Wikileaks and similar, have done – and been attacked by the Deep State for their daring.

The corruption runs very deep. It includes large areas of our economy. Health care is one primary area: ridiculously inflated drug prices, poisoning of our food supply, drug company legal exemptions from adverse vaccine reactions lawsuits, investment schemes for the rich and most importantly – a total loss of Health Freedom.

This allows for influence peddling, corporate lobbying, direct to consumer drug and vaccine ads, and big money contributions that pollute our political campaigns and risks our future.

Government Officials on all levels should live by the laws/rules they create. Socialism is not the right “punishment” for them nor is it the right “answer” for us. Socialism always centralizes power and wealth in the hands of the governing elite. Venezuela shows us the ugly face – the violence and hunger — of socialism in the 21st Century (just as the USSR and Maoist China did in the 20th Century).

Polluted Capitalism is what Main Street objects do; not the Capitalism that made this country great in past decades. Real Capitalism celebrates innovation and meeting consumer needs, not profiting from political connections.

I believe Trump is the Gunslinger who may be able to clean up this nation and make us SAFE AGAIN from bad international actors and from unequal laws made by our own lawmakers – law breakers in Congress.

We may not always like the tactics of a Gunslinger but we love the lack of oppression and freedom unencumbered that he, or she, creates before riding off into the sunset.

Human BioAcoustics has developed Vocal Profiling Techniques that can uncover the truth of recorded statements by politicians and others in the public eye. Our techniques can allow everyone to know when political actors are being compassionate or callous.

See: www.VocalProfiling.com

Sharry Edwards, MEd

Director Institute of BioAcoustic Biology


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