Gardasil is a series of injections provided, mainly to youngsters, as prevention to cancer; and cervical warts contracted through sexual interactions.

California has passed a law allowing girls as young as 12 to submit to a three-part series of separate injections without parental permission even though serious adverse effects (including deaths) have been reported in large numbers; consequences that would fall on the shoulders of uninformed parents.

Four strains of HPV (Human papilloma virus), contained in the CDC recommended Gardasil vaccination database, are being pushed on the American population; HPV 1, 11(x2), 16 and 18.  Are these vaccines safe or do they pose a greater threat that has yet been exposed? This possibility was BioAcoustically explored and the information is compiled in the Frequency Equivalent™ chart below.

Frequency Equivalent Chart for Gardasil vaccines

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recently approved Gardasil for boys as young as 9 years old – stating that even though boys do not contract cervical warts they may be carriers. If this might be the case why not vaccine only those youngsters who have been identified as being at risk. The conclusion here is that all nine-year boys are sexually active.

What could these people be thinking when they pass laws that support sexual activity with children as young as 9 years old?

Maybe the truth about our health administration’s opinions is coming-out by way of their personal interests. Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the CDC, was arrested for bestiality and multiple counts of sexual molestation of a six year old.

Why are drug companies pushing for laws that encourage children to go behind their parents backs to have these unproven Gardasil vaccines injected?

Lisa Fayed, who described herself as a patient advocate during a nationally televised news interview, stated that if parents had a good relationship with their children, then parents should not be concerned about these students being forced to be injected with potentially lethal inoculations at school without parental notification.  Using this logic might the converse be true?  If drug companies, the makers of these vaccinations, had any trust in the safety and efficacy of their products, wouldn’t they want to keep parents informed of a child’s health choice that could have damaging consequences?

In addition, why are expensive Ipods and computers being offered to children as an incentive if they will agree to the shots?

Nicole Goodman

Fayed’s stated rationale is that children smoke marijuana, receive birth control and receive abortions behind their parent’s backs, so why should vaccinations be any different.  So Lisa Fayed is arguing that three wrongs make a right!

Why not go a step further – since 9-12 year old children should have control over their own bodies – let’s just erase all of the laws that prevent sex with children; why don’t we let these children choose whether or not they want to go to school, let’s abandon all under age curfews, get rid of all laws that prohibit smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, driving cars or operating over the road trucks by this age group.  Let’s also allow these California teenagers limitless bank accounts since they are so insightful and mature at such an early age.  This paragraph is written in extreme jest to show the absurdity of what the government and large pharmaceutical companies are attempting to perpetrate on a trusting and often uninformed public.

Millions of dollars provided by the government for pro Gardasil campaigns is aimed at low income families.  The children from more affluent families would likely already have IPods; while the lower income pre-teens would certainly be tempted by the offer. Many pharmacies are also offering cash and coupons if a person will submit to the injections.

A Quote from Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher concerning Gardasil says that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves with a year, and within two years that percentage climbs to 90%.  Dr. Harper also states that Gardasil would do little to prevent cancer and she does not recommend Gardasil or Cervarix (a similar vaccine) to anyone younger than 15.

Additional statement by Harper in 2013 states that parents should be warned of the harmful effects of the Gardasil vaccinations.

She quotes so far that “15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions. At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.”

Since research does not support this campaign of Gardasil vaccinations, what else could be the motive to require such threatening measures?  The Gardasil movement in Texas brought some of the underlying motivation to the surface.  Governor Perry mandated Gardasil for the State of Texas but public outcry shut down the program.  Later it was discovered that Perry and his campaign received over $300,000 from the pharmaceutical companies that were in support of mandated, massive Gardasil crusades but there seems to be an even more sinister reason?

Frequency medicine is making a comeback as part of our conventional medical protocols.

Gardasil components like any other medication is based on the influence of our compounds it contains.  An evaluation of Gardasil components revealed that frequency bio-markers contained within the four available vaccines may have been produced to influence fertility and reproduction.

The “BioAcoustically Speaking” chart below shows that the push to inoculate every young person with Gardasil, a government paid-for campaign targeted at low income children, may be in hopes of causing population reduction.

It may be that the second HPV11 is a control since it BioAcoustically has little to do with fertility and reproduction.

HPV Chart

Links:–bestiality.aspx?e_cid=20111028_DNL_art_1  vitamin A and fertility


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