Pioneer of Vocal Profiling Creates Online WorkStation to Promote Sound Health & Sound Healers

Submit a voice sample and receive a personal, computerized, quantifying report of your own vocal BioMarker anomalies.


The Vocal BioMarker market is expected to reach revenues of 2.5 Billion in the next few years because conventional giants like MIT and the Mayo Clinic have joined the extensive investigation efforts of this emerging science. This is good news but the acknowledged pioneer of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling, Sharry Edwards, Med, wants to provide access of her originating protocols to the populace in order to support the opportunity for SELF-HEALTH.

With that mission in mind, Edwards has created an online, public WorkStation that offers access to thousands of frequency-based biological biomarkers that can provide self-evaluation and create computerized Management Reports at the touch of a few buttons.

Edwards sees the human brain as being akin to a computer’s central processing unit that sends binary signals of instruction to support the body’s functions. The evidence she and her staff at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology have amassed show that the body can be influenced to heal itself using frequency, sound and music. Edwards’ conclusions show that her work has been able to reveal the foundational mathematical codes of frequency-based medicine. “Math as Medicine has been a long-time coming but it is our Future,” states Edwards.

Early on, Edwards met with the National Institute of Health, considered their opinions and followed their recommendation. In 2004, the Institute was able to provide a tenant to the world, “People with similar wellness issues have similar, if not identical vocal anomalies and BioMarkers.” Like sour notes in a song, the grating sound indicates a lack of equilibrium.

Likewise, the voice anomalies can indicate a lack of optimal health in the body.

The SoundHealthPotal (.com) offers Tools and Solutions to the public. Each month they sponsor Vocal Profiles and classes for professionals, individuals and for those who want to make a difference for the betterment of mankind.

Bringing together New Medicine and Ancient Healing Mysteries

The automation of Ancient Healing Methods

Bringing ancient methods of sound healing into the modern era has been a challenge for those who “hear the call” to use sound to make a difference in the lives of those who need support and healing.

Jill Mattson’s publication, Lost Waves of Time, is more than a superb rendition of ancient healing as she also takes you through the eons of healing practices throughout several continents and populations. Mattson reports that in early cultures, healing was a matter of intuition and/or being in touch with universal connections that was once prevalent and used by special appointees of a given community. In some cultures every individual was assigned a

“Signature Sound” as part of their spiritual identity.

Healing Masters are still here today but are often “interrogated” by those who consider themselves to be a part of a “legitimate” medicine society. These modern-day practitioners depend on statistical validation for diagnosis.

Enter The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, under the tutelage of Sharry Edwards, MEd, who has been investigating the idea that the frequencies of the voice are a holographic representation of the body’s form and function. Over the years she has gathered information which indicates that the voice can potentially be used as a diagnostic tool and could potentially provide sound- based solutions for health.

In 2004, The Institute was able to publish the tenet that “People with similar wellness issues produce similar vocal biomarkers.” This suggests that the sound frequencies produced by a human voice could be used to identify and quantify the wellness status of a person or find the commonalities for a group suffering from the similar maladies.

MIT and the Mayo Clinic, among many others, have taken on the task of providing proof of Vocal BioMarkers for use by conventional medical models.

Edwards, the established pioneer of Human BioAcoustics, has taken on the task of bringing the information she has amassed to the public for their use to self-predict, manage and have dominion over their own health and health freedoms.


The online Portal is open to the public at It includes tutorials, evaluations, documentaries, campaigns, articles, and references, plus the opportunity to scan your own voice for errant frequencies (sour notes). Input your voice and receive a personal, computerized, quantifying report of your own vocal BioMarker anomalies.

The Sound Health Portal presents the opportunity for Sound Health LIVE! while offering innovations that bring a balance between science and esoteric.


Portal Solutions Include

All issues are reported as Frequency Equivalents™ from the tenets of BioAcoustic Biology

Well over 100,000 frequency-based entries divided into multiple bundles including sports, pain, weight management, circulation, stem cells, regeneration, respiration, toxicity, reproduction… hundreds more.

Being online allows your client/patients to deposit vocal prints from their location BioAcoustic Bundles allow you to search and compare several body systems Allows for intuitional input but statistically supports it too

The process of Gathering and Evaluating vocal Frequencies automatically BioMarkers that provide a priority listing of issues

Advanced materials reveal underlying issues


AVAILABLE  24/7 Online!


  • Tutorials
  • Public workshops
  • Textbook included
  • Corporate accounts
  • Sports evaluations
  • Allows mobile evaluations
  • Built in reference library
  • Stores your data online
  • Mobile client input
  • 30 day trial period open to the public
  • Allows comparisons of long-term data
  • Provides automatic priority listings
  • Professional graphs, notes, charts and reports
  • Can be translated into other languages
  • Helps find root and multiple root cause
  • Public Nutrition and Muscles templates included in free subscription
  • Includes Personality Profiling
  • Taught by Sharry Edwards

Everybody has a sound!

Links to a few Portal presentations:

Good Vibrations =

Comprehensive Portal Video =

Golf Swing Portal Class =

Sound Healers Portal Class =

In the Beginning Video =

Miracles on Non-Medicine =


Article: – about the math basis of life

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