Journal of BioAcoustic Biology

A peer reviewed publication dedicated to Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation sponsored by Sound Health Research Institute, Inc.  This Journal has been established in response to the calls for a peer-reviewed venue for the publication of articles and practice notes on the subject of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation.​

The SHRI trustees responded by adopting, as part of the Credentials System sponsored by the Institute, authorization for the establishment of this Journal. According to the enabling Resolution, “The Journal publishes in the area of Human BioAcoustics as established by the research initiated by Sharry Edwards…” articles and practice notes subject to the oversight of the Peer Review Subcommittee.

Peer Review and Submission Standards

​Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling & Sound Presentation is an emerging research modality that has the potential to provide pre-diagnostic assessment using a predictable Mathematical Matrix of frequency-based protocols. JBAB strives to set forth the theoretical basis of the emerging science of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation. Vocal Profiling offers interpretative information that stands independently as a valuable assessment tool. Sound Presentation provides the management phase through brainwave entrainment using low-frequency, ambient sound.

Instructions for Contributors

Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor, Kathy Fucetola, 58 Plotts Road, Newton, NJ, 07860 with a copy by email to kathy.greene@usa.net. Submit an original and three (blind) copies together with a letter of transmittal including:

  1.  The name, telephone number and email of the author(s);​
  2.  The title of the paper and a statement of its main point;​
  3.  Keywords to be used for indexing;
  4.  The total number of words (including text, references, and figure and table legends) in the manuscript;
  5.  A statement or request from the author(s) allowing publication under the auspices of the Journal
  6.  Relevant manuscripts published by you in the past.

The email cover letter should also include the above information.

By submitting a manuscript, an author accepts the responsibility that all those listed as authors of a work have agreed to be so listed, have seen and approved the manuscript, and are responsible for its content. Submitted papers are reviewed in depth by two or more referees as well as other warranted parties, legal evaluation for instance, as indicated.

Reviewers are expected to return their comments within four weeks. It is the policy of JBAB that reviewers are kept anonymous. Authors are notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision, usually within 6 to 10 weeks. Papers cannot be resubmitted over a disagreement on interest level or relative merit.

Condition of Acceptance

When a paper is accepted for publication in JBAB, it is understood by the editors that any materials and methods necessary to verify the conclusions of the experiments reported will be made available to other investigators under appropriate conditions. The paper will remain a privileged document and will not be released to the press or the public before publication. If there is a need in exceptional cases to publicize data in advance of publication, the Journal Editor (973-300-4594 – kathy.greene@usa.net) must be consulted.

Selection of Manuscripts

In selecting papers for publication, the editor(s) give preference to those submitted by certified BARA researchers that are well written, well organized, and intelligible to lay persons as well as BioAcoustic professionals. Manuscripts containing Proprietary BioAcoustic information or nomenclature will not be published in the public version of the JBAB, without redacting such nomenclature or information. An attempt is made to balance the subject matter among theory, research and practice but any well conceived BioAcoustic based or associated topic will be considered if the premise, writing and conclusions are solidly developed.

Categories of Papers Include

General Papers: General papers are expected to (i) review new developments; (ii) describe a current research problem or a technique of interdisciplinary significance; or (iii) discuss some aspect of the history, logic, policy, or administration of BioAcoustics. Readers should be able to learn from a general article what has been firmly established and what are unresolved questions.

Experimental Papers: A research paper is expected to contain new data representing a significant information for contemplation or review. Clinical papers should advance a clinical procedure or technique; include a review of relevant case studies illustrating the author(s) premise. Clinical papers should not include sufficient BioAcoustic methodology but should include information from other disciplines that support the premises.

Theoretical Papers: Theoretical papers should present a discussion of a current scientific standard as it articulates/supports understanding between BioAcoustics and other disciplines.

Perspectives: In contrast to the peer reviewed papers in the Clinical, Theoretical, or Experimental Sections, Perspectives are designed to point toward directions worth pursuing, even when there may not be enough research to fully justify or explain the insights presented. Perspectives are invitational, will appear irregularly, are not refereed, and represent the unmodified and singular view of authors selected from our community for the quality and originality of past work.

Reports: Reports are expected to contain important, but preliminary, research results. No frequencies shall be published.

Correspondence: Letters are selected for their pertinence to material published in JBAB or because they discuss general issues of interest. Letters pertaining to material published in JBAB may correct errors; provide supporter, agreement or professional argument; or offer different points of view, clarifications, or additional information. Letters may be reviewed by outside consultants. The authors of the paper in question are usually given an opportunity to reply. Preference is given to letters that do not exceed 1250 words. Letters accepted for publication are frequently edited and shortened in consultation with the author.

Technical Comments: Technical comments, papers or explanations will be published in professional addenda to JBAB, available privately to currently certified BioAcoustic Research Associates (BARA) upon request and approval.

​Book and Software Reviews: The selection of books and software packages to be reviewed and of reviewers cannot be published as a matter of course. Instructions and length specifications to accompany items to be reviewed, when they are sent to reviewers. Such reviews are best designed to be constructive, informative and relevant.

All papers should contain a title, an abstract, key words, and include, where relevant, an introduction, hypothesis, procedures, protocol, results and discussion sections with brief subheads, references, and appropriate notes and footnotes.

Manuscript Preparation

The guidelines for manuscript preparation are:

​Typing: Use double-spacing throughout the text, tables, figure legends, and references and notes and leave margins of at least 1-inch/2.5 centimeters. Two spaces should be left between sentences, and after semi-colons and colons.

Title: Title should be short, specific, and amenable to indexing. Chose your title based on your intent – informative or a call to action

Abstracts: This should explain to the general reader why the research was undertaken and why the results should be viewed as important. The abstract should convey the main point of the paper and present, if relevant, the central research findings, and outline the conclusions.

Keywords: Author(s) should select keywords to be included on the abstract page.

Text: A brief introduction should indicate the broad significance of the paper. The whole text should be intelligible to readers in different disciplines. Technical terms should be defined but we caution the author to use definitions approved by legal counsel. All tables and figures should be cited in the text in numerical order.

Symbols and Abbreviations: Define all symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms the first time they are used. At first mention any trademark or other such symbols should be designated but it is not necessary to include such marks thereafter.

Units of Measure: Authors should use the more general designation of musical notes to identify specific frequency categories for publication.

References and Notes: Number references and notes in the order in which they are cited, first through the text and then through the table and figure legends. List a reference only one time. References that are always cited together may be grouped under a single number. Use conventional abbreviations for well-known journals.
Reference examples follow:
– References to Papers.
G. Bravo & C. Grob, Shamans, Sacraments and Psychiatrists, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 21, 1 (1989), pp. 123-128.
– References to Books.
N. Cousins, Human Options: An Autobiographical Notebook (W. W. Norton, New York, NY, 1981).
– References to Chapters in Books.
C. G. Jung, Psychological Commentary, In The Tibetan Book of the Dead (W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1957).
– References from Conference Proceedings
. B. A. Rubik and D. E. Coshland, Jr., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 75, 7820 (1978).

Unpublished Observations: Reference to unpublished data should be given a number in the text and placed, in correct sequence, in the references and notes.

Acknowledgments: Gather all acknowledgments into a brief statement at the end of the references and notes.

Informed Consent: Investigations on human subjects must include a statement indicating that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies had been fully explained. This is particular important for minor and/or incapacitated clients under the jurisdiction of a guardian

Figures: For each figure submit high-quality glossy prints or original drawings of sufficient size to permit relettering but not larger than 22 by 28 centimeters (8 1/2 by 11 inches). On the back of every figure write the first author’s name and the figure number and indicate the correct orientation. Manuscripts with oversized figures will be returned to the author without review. Photocopies of figures are not acceptable; transparencies, slides, or negatives cannot be used because they cannot be sent to reviewers. Digital format are acceptable and preferred.

Tables: Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text. They should be numbered consecutively with respect to their citation in the text. Each table should be typed, with its legend (double-spaced), on a separate sheet.

Equations and Formulas: No BioAcoustic formulas or formulations should be included in any manuscript written for public review.

Uncertainties and Reproducibility: Evidence that the results are reproducible and the conditions under which this reproducibility (replication) was obtained are not always possible but every effort should be made to at least speculate as to the avenue in which the results were obtained. The effect of limitations in experimental conditions on generalizability of results should be discussed.

Permissions and Copyright: Illustrations and tables reprinted from other publications must be credited. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) to reprint such illustrations in JBAB. The appropriate credit line is usually supplied by the copyright owner. Papers cannot be published until copies of all permission letters have been received by the editorial office. Copyright law requires that we obtain copyright transfer from authors of each paper published in JBAB. Copyright forms are sent to all authors prior to acceptance and must be signed and returned to the editorial office immediately.

Printing & Publication

Proofs and Reprints: A proof is sent to the author(s). Publication and reprints are done in PDF format.

Scheduling: Papers can be scheduled for publication at any time, since JBAB is electronically printed and posted. Generally, items will be accumulated and published at regular intervals in sequentially numbered Issues of the Journal.

Cover Photographs: Particularly good photographs or slides that pertain to a paper being submitted will be considered for use on the cover of JBAB. Submit digitally format pictures, drawing, graphs with the manuscript.

Submit an Article for Review