Nancy PelosiSeriously, Pelosi may be experiencing intermittent bouts of Alzheimer’s

During a routine Vocal Profile conducted by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, it became observable that Nancy Pelosi, former Majority Leader in the US House of Representatives, may have a serious issue dealing with the delivery of oxygen to the brain.

Geraldine Ferraro, former vice presidential candidate and women’s rights pioneer, recently stated that she knew Nancy Pelosi to be a very intelligent woman.  If that is true, why would Pelosi report to Larry King that gas prices at “a dollar something” during the Bush administration are now three times higher at $2.56; hardly a multiple of three.


Why would Pelosi make public announcement that unemployment creates jobs or the non-passage of Obama’s stimulus package would cause the loss of 500 million jobs in the US?  The entire population of the US is approximately 300 million.  If any of these were isolated events they might be excused but there are a myriad of blunders that have been published.


Many of Pelosi’s statements after the recent midterm elections were incredibly baffling; as were her statements about CIA waterboarding torture techniques in an address to the press. is replete with videos of Pelosi with titles like: “Pelosi, dumber than soap”, “Nancy Pelosi is an Idiot” and “Pelosi says unemployment creates jobs”.  Many of Pelosi’s public statements during the last two years are not those of an intelligent woman but of a person who is insensate and befuddled.  She doesn’t seem to even realize that she is incredibly off base with her perceptions and information.

A shocking example of this was her decision to run for Minority Leader of the new Congress.  In the face of devastating Democratic losses under her leadership, she doesn’t realize or can’t face the idea that she is deeply unpopular.  She appears unrepentant as to her participation in her Party’s rejection by the populace.  Precedent dictates that she should quietly excuse herself but she doesn’t seem to grasp that expectation.

After looking at her vocal architecture, it seemed possible that something physical might be causing these lapses in mental acuity. Using software especially designed to reveal biomarkers indicative of Alzheimer’s, two vocal spectral evaluations were conducted.  In both scans a BioAcoustic genetic marker for Alzheimer’s was evident.  This particular category of Alzheimer’s concerns the reduction of nitric oxide to the brain causing a decrease in cell signaling and cellular respiration.  Other BioAcoustic factors include progesterone (supports memory), GABA and cholesterol (which support brain tissue and neurotransmission).

BioAcoustically Speaking, it may be prudent for Nancy Pelosi to check-in with her wellness provider to see if conventional technology can ascertain any predisposition for Alzheimer’s as a basis for her inability to grasp reality, do math or be sensitive to the disposition of the public she serves.

Maybe it isn’t Alzheimer’s

Novel research relating to the analysis of vocal frequencies has been conducted using Human BioAcoustic case studies since the early 1980’s; resulting in the corollary that states “persons with similar toxins, genomic syndromes, diseases, traumas, and psychologies have similar, if not identical, vocal anomalies.”  MIT, Duke University and the Definitive Guide to Alternative Medicine have been involved in providing additional Human BioAcoustic information to the public.

Considering the many questions concerning Nancy Pelosi mental capacity, a representative of the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology was asked to complete a vocal frequency evaluation to determine if any information could shed light on any potential Alzheimer’s that Pelosi may be experiencing.

Although reluctant, because of the political implication that such a report might have, an evaluation was conducted to examine the likelihood that Pelosi’s bizarre behavior – that even contradicts her own behavior – could be identified.


The reports provide here are BioAcoustic computerized comparisons of using databases of:


Brain Stroke Alzheimer’s Arthritis Diabetes Neuroplasticity Seizure Heart TBI
R =89 45 32 28 26 15 12 12 8


Bulimia Rec Drugs Krebs Cyc Hormone Nerve Degen Parkinson TBI Liver Cholesterol
40 35 26 15 14 13 15 11 11










A score of 20 or more is significant.

This scan contains BioAcoustic architectures that indicate brain damage. Coupled with the template comparisons, this could implicate that Pelosi is suffering from drug induced dementia.

Sharry Edwards, MEd

Director Institute of BioAcoustic Biology

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