Submitted by Tyler’s Mother, Cindy Shull.
On September 30, 2016 Tyler was playing in a football game in Nelsonville, Ohio. 
He sustained a knee injury during the second quarter that hindered him from finishing the game. We left and took him to the ER where they ordered an x-ray to confirm nothing was broken. They also suggested we get an MRI to see if anything was torn.
The next day Tyler was in excruciating pain and unable to bear weight on his knee. He was seen by a sports medicine doctor who did ice, stem treatment and ordered an MRI. Tyler had the MRI done and it showed that he had sustained a bad sprain but luckily there was no tear in his ACL which was a concern of the doctor and would have ended his senior season of football.
We continued with the exercises, ice, and stem treatment on his knee for two weeks.
Tyler’s pain continued, especially when going up and down steps and his frustration at missing his last few games was increasing.
That’s when his Dad and I decided to visit Sound Health and I am so glad we did.
At first, we were skeptical and not sure this kind of method would work but were willing to try it. Upon his appointment at Sound Health Sharry Edwards took Tyler’s vocal print and had him take a few steps up a step stool before any sound presentation. He described his pain level as being about a 6. Sharry then programmed his tones (which are audible frequencies) and played for approximately one minute. After which she had him try to step up and down on the stool again. Much to our surprise Tyler’s pain level had already decreased to a 3. Sharry then programmed another tone for him that was played about two minutes and had him repeat the steps on the stool again and we were amazed that he was pain free! He was elated that he could begin to finally condition and strengthen his knee without being in pain. He actually ran down the steps on departure just to prove that he no longer had any pain.
After seeing his doctor for a checkup, the doctor was astonished that Tyler was pain free
using this method and she finally released him after that to play in his last two games. Nothing could’ve been better than that.
On behalf of my son my husband and I would personally like to say Thank You to Sharry Edwards and staff for being such a savior so that our son could finish out his year the way he wanted to. We would highly recommend Sound Health to anyone, even if you may be skeptical at first please don’t disregard this method as it helped us and can help you too!!!