Feb 23, 2022
A review of hundreds of persons associated with Covid reveal interruptions in stem cell activity and the increase of inflammatory biomarkers.
Using the emerging science of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling, now being researched by the Mayo Clinic and MIT, Voice spectral analysis of persons who had been injected with Covid vaccines and/or those who had experienced a covid outbreak were evaluated.
Voice analysis perceives individual vocal frequencies as a holographic representation of the brain as it acts as the central

Never Before Released Information Revealed about the Coronavirus
Evidence shows there is a countervailing option to this Virus that is being ignored but may help the populace if revealed.
According to the media and world governments, a China-based pandemic is upon us: the Coronavirus plague. The internet, Newspapers, and TV commentators have reported that millions will die. Using such scare tactics without providing any ameliorating tools or solutions is unethical, in my opinion. Positing that only the government can save the people is tantamount to tyranny. If there is a way to combat such a scourge, it ought to be made public.

Crop Circle Architecture may Provide Anti-Viral Information Against International Pandemic?
Aug 19, 2020
Frank Joseph, author, joined Jeff Rense, talk show host, to discuss a recent 200-foot wide crop circle found in England that they believe emulates the architecture of the coronavirus. The crop circle shows one enlarged portion of the virus, which Rense and Joseph, believe might possibly depict an obvious starting point to consider for the annihilation of the virus.

Corona a different approach: – Summary and Solution
Treacherously, the current virus is short-circuiting lives around the world and it has produced a tailspin of non-option to further control the populace. It is obvious that the opportunity to use fear of failing health and rationing to further an agenda that is money-driven.
Background: The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology has been posting frequencies to countervail the yearly CDC flu recommendations. In dealing with this subject we ended up writing an article for Nexus Magazine that showed that frequency could be used to decloak invading pathogens. —Pathogen link: https://soundhealthoptions.com/?s=pathogen

Tenets of Math as Medicine Support Covid Survival
During the last two decades, the work at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound health has proven that the human body and mind can be influenced by individualized formulations of sound frequencies.
Were the “Ancient” investigators accurate? Are there energies beyond our own environment that have the ability to influence our lives? These very astute precursors to “scientific man” attempted to create a system whereby those extrinsic forces could be explained; they called the system Astrology. But modern investigators have proven there is so much more.

COVID – The subsequent Factors?
Your brain is your central processing unit (CPU). Like a computer, your brain uses units of information sent to it via a communication network to monitor and direct activities. Like the human brain, your computer’s CPU employs units of measurable frequency to command and respond to the constant needs of your body to animate and survive.
This knowledge is so accepted in scientific circles that we use the frequencies of the body to measure and evaluate our bodily functions: MRI, CAT scans, nerve impulses, brain waves…