BioAcoustically Speaking, Almost Everything is Something Else

KeyNote for the Weeks of September, 2023

Color = Granny Apple Green

Represented by the note of F and the astrological sign of Virgo

Using frequency to define human form and function is the mission of this column. We believe that you can better prepare for life’s lessons if you know which frequencies are influencing YOU. Much like preparing for Tide changes to help predict water tables around the world.

Each month this column lists frequencies bombarding and influencing earth and its inhabitants.



September 2023


Do your joints ache?  It is likely some nasty Prostaglandins that cause pain when the body is too acidic is at fault. Try laying off those acid producing foods (flour, grains, sugar, beans, alcohol, shrimp) until the end of next month. You may think your Gout is acting up but it is just the inflammation causing foods. Wheat Belly by William Davis – he explains the relationship between joint/muscle pain and the inflammatory response from foods.

Muscles in stress – the rectus abdominis frequencies are still active- along with the iliacus and muscles of the lower back.

DDT has been outlawed for many years but those of you over 50 years of age might feel some muddled thinking and dizziness. DDT is a pesticide that was commonly sprayed in the presence of humans, especially school children. It lays down on the stomach muscle – rectus abdominus – since they are the same frequency and may be the cause of that round of fat on your midsection. There are plenty of good detox protocols out there – check the internet.

For this month, put a watch on anything that flares your ulcer – those frequencies will be coming in by mid-month.

Several pain medication frequencies will be active in the next this month. Depending on your brain dominance, you may need more or less medication to remain pain free and stable. This is not medical advice, just letting you know to be vigilant about your reactions to pain meds.

Soy proteins (tofu, soymilk, veggie burgers, salad dressings, margarine like spreads, dark sauces such as Tamari and Teriyaki) come into play on the first Tuesday of the month. Soy allergy symptoms might include asthma like breathing issues, tingling in your mouth, itchy skin, nausea, drop in blood pressure, loss of sensation of lips, diarrhea, fuzzy thinking. Many foods you would not suspect contain soy; best to read the label.

Myosin, a family of proteins that helps the body rebuild, (from hair follicles in the ear, kidney, and nose to actual muscle integrity involvement) along with ATP, comes into play during this month. Myosin works closely with Actin which helps create microfilaments used to rebuild the body. Tinnitus is associated with myosin and actin stress.

Cytochalasin B is a mold referred to as a mycotoxin that strongly inhibits Actin and glucose transport and supports platelet aggregation. Cytochalasin is involved in food spoilage and is involved in fungal virulence.

Papain is an enzyme from papaya. Papain helps breaks down tough meat fibers. As a powder it is sold as a meat tenderizer. As a paste it can be used for bee stings since bee venom is made of protein. Papain is an ingredient in some toothpastes, mints and tooth whiteners. WOW: Papain has been known to interfere with urine drug test for cannabinoids.

Bromelain is an enzyme from fresh pineapple. It may slow blood clotting and is used as a tenderizer.  As a protein digesting enzyme, it may be a potent anti-inflammatory, may prevent pulmonary edema (water in the lungs) The list of uses for Bromelain is broad:  from relaxing muscles, stimulating muscle contractions, slowing clotting, improving the absorption of antibiotics, preventing cancer, shortening labor, and helping the body get rid of excess fat.

Muscles of the lower back and hips come into stress in mid-September, the Quadratus Lumborum (lower spine diagonal to hip crest) and Psoas (which help stabilize the hips).

Toxin – Mercury that is in your mouth and in the vaccinations that are given your child are active until the third Wednesday of Sept. It is injected into our children, but it must be handled as a severe toxin by your dentist when it is removed from your teeth.

Vitamin in Stress – Vitamin K4 from green leafy vegetables is active and is involved with blood clotting proteins.

Bacteria in stress during September: – Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium, is commonly found in human respiratory tract especially after a hospital stay. It is responsible for skin infections, food poisoning, pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome and serious skin issues such as – impetigo, boils, cellulitis, MRSA, wound and respiratory infections. Each year 500,000 people contract a staphylococcal infection in American hospitals. Chlamydia Pneumonia is a bacterium that infects humans and is a major cause of pneumonia and sinusitis. Staphylococcus is known to inactivate antibodies.

Week One

Biochemical and muscle supporting energy comes into full stress this week.  That back ache is likely from weak stomach muscles. The Kreb (Energy Cycle) of the cells is coming into stress from several angles. Your local health food store will likely have supplements that support the Krebs cycle – starting with Potassium and magnesium. Blood clotting to fatigue will plague the population this week.  Bioflavonoids and pyruvate may be helpful.

Muscles influenced this week:  For the week mostly back and shoulder muscles are in stress.  Remember that the stomach muscles are to be considered important back support.

Interspinales: We take the spine for granted, but it is made up of a significant number of muscles and nerves which enable it to support us physically and in so many other ways. There are layers of muscles in your back that attach to, and around, the spine. The interspinalies muscles are in the deep muscle group.  So, if your back is providing you pain signals, it may mean that some weakness exists.  Exercises for this muscle can be found on line or visit your local gym for assistance. Source: “Interspinales”

Semispinalis Thoracis: Another back muscle – this one originates from the Sixth Thoracic Vertebrae and extends to the Cervical 6th Vertebrae, which is about half of the back and the first part of the neck. This large muscle allows us to extend the cervical part of the spine (i.e., your neck) and the thoracic section of your back. It also allows us to flex those same parts of the body side-to-side as well as to rotate them. Source: “Semispinalis Throacis Muscle”

Supraspinatus: This muscle assists your deltoid (one of the shoulder muscles) to begin the action of abducting the arm. It also assists with keeping the shoulder stabilized. Source: “Supraspinatus Muscles”

Infraspinatus: Another shoulder muscle, this one being 1 of 4 muscles in your rotator cuff. Specifically, this one externally rotates your humerus bone and keeps your shoulder joint stable. Source: “Infraspinatus Muscle”

Rectus Abdominus: This is a large muscle of the abdomen that countervails the action of your diaphragm, but it does so much more, as indicated by innerbodyimage, a website, in the following quote:

The rectus abdominis muscles, commonly referred to as the “abs,” are a pair of long, flat muscles that extend vertically along the entire length of the abdomen adjacent to the umbilicus. Each muscle consists of a string of four fleshy muscular bodies connected by narrow bands of tendon, which give it a lumpy appearance when well defined and tensed. This lumpy appearance results in the rectus abdominis muscles being referred to as the “six-pack.”

The name rectus abdominis comes from the Latin words for “straight” and “abdominal,” indicating that its fibers run in a straight vertical line through the abdominal region of the body.

The rectus abdominis muscle performs the important task of flexing the torso and spine in the abdominal region. It does this by pulling the ribcage closer to the pelvis. The rectus abdominis can also tense to contract the abdomen without moving the torso, as in sucking in one’s gut. Contraction of the abdomen results in increased pressure within the abdominopelvic cavity and is useful to push substances out of the body during exhalation, defecation, and urination. Source: “Rectus Abdominis Muscle”

Gluteus Maximus: Your largest sitting muscle, of course.

Biochemicals/Nutrients in stress this month:

Potassium Phosphate Cell Salt: We have not seen cell salts in a while. Not often talked about in general, or even alternative media, they are really amazing. Little tiny pills work from the cellular level to support your body, in its efforts to self-maintain and self-heal, in so many ways. This particular cell salt works particularly in the nerves and muscles of the body, helping the body to address such things as nervousness, such as so-called “nervous heart trouble”, melancholy, and sleep discomfort, as well as learning disorders.  Source: “No. 5. (6) Potassium phosphate – Kali Phos”

Arginine: This is an amino acid that has been found to have a powerful impact on several body systems and is used in certain medications (Ibuprofen) and in the following medical treatments:

-Congestive heart failure;
-Chest pain;
-High blood pressure;
-Coronary artery disease; -Intermittent claudication (leg pain due to blocked arteries);
-Chemotherapy; and
-Fighting weight loss in AIDS patients;
-Reducing infections;
-Improving would healing;
-Shortening recovery time after surgery;
-In the elderly, decreased mental capacity (i.e., senile dementia);
-Erectile Dysfunction; and Male Infertility

Week Two

This week continues to support inflammation in joints and muscles. The literature reports that this is from too much acid and suggests one teaspoon of naturally fermented vinegar in water can help balance PH –

Energy cycle faults continue to cause fatigue. Many of the people who have had covid or the shots report extreme fatigue – NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide – has been helpful. NAD is an important co-enzyme for the body’s energy cycle and has been reported to support many biological processes within the body – link –

Oxytocin, the human bonding biochemical becomes active this week.

Blood clotting issues continue to be an issue this month along with iron stress. The Obesity gene comes into play on the 18th – Check your voice by doing a BioDiet check at

Serotonin – a neurotransmitter associated with mood comes into stress this week along with support for nerve sheathing. Nerves may attempt to reconnect which causes intermittent quick pain bursts. That is good news if they don’t continue for long. Ulcer symptoms continue to hang on until the last week in Sept.

Week Three

Pay close attention to your heart this week, cardiomyopathy frequencies are in stress this week along with troponin – an indicator of heart damage. Blood pressure indicators start to rise this week. Back stress continues into early Oct. Use your free nutrient software provided in our guest level course to monitor your mineralization as bone health stress begins now.

Adrenal stress is solid this week – you may want to give people more “space” to work out their issues. This is especially important with Spike Protein on the rise; some of which influence your God Gene which supports empathy and family bonding.

Flu frequencies come into play at the end of the week.

To evaluate your voice for certain biomarkers, go to – open to the public. You might also consider one of our free CAMPAIGNS.

Week Four

Milk protein is the most prominent frequency activated this week. Milk allergies can cause sinus, throat, bronchial and lung issues.

Streptococcus pneumonia pathogens will come into play by the end of the week. Vitamin B2 is activated on Wednesday [Riboflavin is a B vitamin. It can be found in certain foods such as milk, meat, eggs, nuts, enriched flour, and green vegetables.]

The gene that is most in stress is familial Alzheimer but at the same time the herb, Curcumin, is active. Curcumin is often touted as a spice that can dissolve deadly brain plaques that can cause Alzheimer’s. [Curcumin comes from Turmeric, an herb.]

Edema might be in the air as the mineral, Sodium comes into play on Monday. You might find yourself craving salt loaded fries or chips.

The Multifidi muscle, along with the Iliocostalis lumborum continues to stress the back in general; and specifically the lower back.

For those whose PH (acid/alkaline) balance might makes you susceptible to Scabies. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies. Utter Balm is a sheep lanolin-based salve that may help. Campho Phenique salve or liquid (local Walmart) may also help.

A toxin – food additive high on the active list this month:  MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is contained in steak sauces, salad dressings, meat tenderizers, as a flavor enhancer in many packaged foods such as Hamburger Helper, Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix and Progresso’s and Campbell’s soups. Sauces, gravy mixes, Bacon bits…. also contain high amounts of MSG. Many fast-food restaurants and Chinese restaurants utilize MSG.  Snacks foods are frequently enhanced (Pringles, Doritos, Planters nuts, Cheese-Its…) with MSG.  Reactions can be slight to severe from burning feelings in chest, arms and face, chest pains, headache, fatigue, heart palpitations, numbness, sweating and nausea. The incidence of reactions to MSG has become so prevalent that it has a name:  Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Some people claim that taking B vitamins, particularly B6, before you eat will help eliminate some of the symptoms. Long term reactions to MSG can include still joints and connective tissue disorders, such as Carpal Tunnel. The pathogen in stress for the next few days is Borrelia – a strain of Lyme’s disease. Muscles include the tailbone area and above along with the muscles of the lower leg.  Secondary muscles just coming into stress are the eye muscles and thumb. Insulin becomes vulnerable on Monday along with Zithromax (Z-pak) which is nearly the same frequency as one type of insulin. Vasopressin, a biochemical that helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar plays a part in blood glucose frequency balance over the next few days.


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Copyright, Sound Health and Sharry Edwards, 2023, all rights reserved