Have visitors from other planets surreptitiously dropped by to check us out?

Are alien- piloted UFO’s figments of our imagination?  The answers to such speculation range from the ridiculous to the sublime; from people who haven’t a clue, to organizations that strive to keep it all secret, to those who think the human race is not ready for such a Truth.  If there wasn’t anything to hide, why would most world governments be withholding information?   That says it all!   Might there be another way to determine what is really going on?

The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology is known for its software that has the ability to provide insight into the intention and truthfulness of the speaker through Vocal Profiling.  The idea that a computerized voice analysis might be able to shed some light on this incredibly important question is intriguing.

Originally, three astronauts were chosen as Truth barometers: Gordon Cooper, Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell; all veteran space travelers.  Who better to help assuage the speculation and controversy than astronautically trained Observers?  Along the way an intriguing audio recording of the former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, surfaced.  Hellyer claims the existence of irrefutable evidence of UFO visitation to Earth.  We included all four seasoned Observers in our evaluations.  Individual evaluations, which contains transcripts plus additional information about each “Observer”.

Each of these Observers claimed to have had, or to have knowledge of, alien spacecraft or alien visits to Earth.  We used video recordings from news reports and conference proceedings for the analysis.

Summary of each Observer:

Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut:

Mitchell states that he has not personally experienced a UFO encounter but relied on the reports of his colleagues and his friends and neighbors in Roswell, NM – where he grew up – as a source of his belief in UFO’s. The full-length version of Mitchell’s evaluation provides two transcripts which provide additional information about his own experiences.

Mitchell is a multi-dimensional thinker.  He believes, and his voice indicates, that, BioAcoustically Speaking, his statements are true. Mitchell has a high level of spirituality surrounding this topic. He very much wants his words to be used to bring enlightenment and education to the public.

Buzz Aldrin, Astronaut:

Aldrin claims that he and another astronaut saw and filmed a UFO through the window of their spacecraft.  Aldrin believes what he is saying emotionally but has doubts intellectually.  His ego, on a highly spiritual level, is solidly involved.  He has a firm belief in what he saw but constantly weighs logical awareness that he cannot explain what he saw; therefore he thinks he should be doubted.

His gut level emotions and system of integrity is well grounded with the exception that he has some issues around people asking too much of him and expecting him to take care of things for them.  For the benefit of the people, he wants his statements about his seeing a UFO to be believed.

Gordon Cooper, Astronaut:

Cooper is reserved in his vocal delivery.  He is ambivalent concerning how he feels about this topic;  his voice shows that he is vacillating between mental acuity and a need to share the information he has. He wants and needs to be emotional balanced with what is right for humanity.  Cooper states that he saw a formation of UFO’s during training maneuvers and that his crew filmed the landing of a “flying saucer” at a US Air Force base.

Copper’s vocal patterns do not match the thrilling information he is imparting.  It may be that he has repeated this information so many times that it is rote to him by now. He is not sharing any of this lightly.  He expects to be believed but knows that there is great skepticism for the subject of UFO’s.  His non-expressive delivery is likely his attempt to not be questioned further.  His attitude is, “this is the way it is, take it or leave it”.

Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense:

Hellyer is intellectually searching for a way to manage what he emotionally knows to be valid. Hellyer wants to believe that space alien pilots exist and that visitations have taken place.  Ego is not involved in his statements.  He wants more cooperation and more information to come forward.  He is confident that the people could manage such an event and that a meeting of human and aliens would be useful and of benefit to humanity.


Each of these four Observers share an unusual trait not found in ordinary Vocal Profiles.  All of them have a high emotional love of humanity and a need to do what is best, long term for everyone concerned.  They all have access to dimensions that ordinary people do not achieve. They don’t answer to just one person; not even to themselves but to a higher calling.  Their vocal octaves are split, all of them, in the same way.  It is as if they know one thing but are being forced to live and believe something different.  This is bothersome but they all have a strong base of gut-level integrity.

From these vocal prints I would conclude that UFO’s and alien encounters have taken place but these men have been pressured to deny their own realities.  These men have strong values and deep rooted integrity. In each case, the events they have experienced and believe-in have caused them to realize how “not alone” we really are.


“The French government has been more open to releasing information to the public than any other major country in the world. The government of France has also opened an open challenge to all other nations to release their information also.

Even though the United States has the Freedom of Information Act, the government has still kept many documents as classified information. It will be interesting to see if pressure is put on the US government by UFO researchers across the US.

The documents contain over 1000 files on UFO cases that have been researched by the French government. The files include pictures of possible UFOs, eyewitness accounts, field journals, and inter-governmental documents on those sightings. Unlike many governmental documents that have been released online, the documents are not filled with black marks to cover what they don’t want you to see.

To peruse the documents, you can go to www.cnes.fr  Once you are on the site, you will notice that the site is in French. You will see an icon for English. This will take you to the English translation of the site.”

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