Guest Level
What is Sound Health and BioAcoustic Biology? What can Vocal Profiling do for those you care about?
Join our Guest Level course to learn more about the medicine of the future!
*This course is NOT required nor is it a prerequisite for the Technician Level.
What You Will Learn
Sound Health’s Guest Level is designed to inform you about Sound Health’s leading-edge research and why you should be involved. This course is a collection of introductory videos and interviews with the Pioneer of Vocal Profiling, Sharry Edwards, MEd. This course will also introduce you to our online WorkStation – otherwise known as The Portal
This class is offered online and can be taken at anytime; learn at a pace that is best for you!
What's Included
-An introduction to Sound Health and BioAcoustic Biology – over one hour of videos
-Over two hours of tutorial videos on how to use Sound Health’s online WorkStation – The Portal
-15 day FREE Portal Trial* (must sign up on – *available only to new subscribers)

The Guest Level is now FREE – no application fees, no strings attached.
What People Are Saying
This class is my first real introduction to your materials. While I have been a Portal subscriber for about five months, I haven't made the time to dive into the material. This class shows me how much I have to learn and is giving me the inspiration and motivation to dive into the Portal tutorials and make the learning a priority.
– Pam K.
This might sound ``glumpy`` but I absolutely ADORE Sharry Edwards and am astonished by her interviews and how she really cares for the people. There is never a dull moment with Sharry and she is always on point.
– Elizabeth B.
Still familiarizing myself with the Portal. It is amazing how much information it provides. Truly amazing. The work you have done and what you have achieved is incredible, absolutely incredible. I greatly admire your achievements and recognize it is based on hard work, sacrifices, steadfast self belief and patience.
– Kendra M.
Want to skip the Guest Level course? Sign up for our Technician Level today!
The Guest Level course is not required nor is it a prerequisite for the Technician Level Course. In other words, you may go ahead and move on to the Technician Level course without completing the Guest Level first.