Sharry Edwards has been accused of being too scientific by some, too esoteric by others.

In actuality she is a bridge between both fields of inquiry. She has been working to clarify the sounds she is hearing from each individual and why her vocal abilities allow her to create sounds that are supposedly impossible for a human voice.

Her unique auditory and vocal abilities allow her to “hear” each person’s unique Signature Sound and that ability has led to serious questions about what those sounds could possibly indicate. Researchers, from many institutions, have shown that indeed there is a sound being emitted – an oto-acoustic emission – by the ear. James Gewjewski, Ph.D., has proven that cells emit sounds. He states that the identification and purpose of these sounds would prove to be a new branch of medicine. AT&T recently announced that bioacoustics is the “medicine of the future”. The Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine acknowledges Sharry Edwards as the pioneer of this new paradigm of wellness. Dorinne Davis, an audiologist, has proven that what Sharry hears is actually the oto-acoustic emission coming from the ear and that the software Sharry has developed does pick-up the emissions of the ear through the frequencies of the voice.

From the scientific to the esoteric

Sharry has helped integrate the idea of frequency and sound as a healing modality but her motives and talents are often misunderstood. A person who
organizes sound healing seminars once “dis-invited” Sharry as a speaker stating that she had no vocal talent but Sharry likely has one of the most unique sound healing talents on the planet. Her voice creates pictures using the sound of her vocal. “It is quite a unique talent”, says Larry Wallace, sound engineer, “I’ve see her vocally produce pictures that provide clues to the health issues of an individual”. I think somewhere in history, that ability has been breed out of most of us. Sharry’s harmonics are the same harmonics that Penelope Gouk writes about in her books about ancient sound and healing that were once banned from music composition by early churches.

Sharry’s curiosity and her need to make a difference in the world led her to develop a scientific format for computational biology using the sounds of her own voice. She has been tested in many labs and still uses her toning abilities to work with people who have no voice.

Sharry calls this new field of discovery Sonistry.

Just as we have a system of basic elements that we call, chemistry, there is a basic set of sounds/frequencies that can monitor, predict and manage biological function. String theory found a basis for the existence of DNA; Sonistry is the basic system for RNA. (DNA is the pattern; RNA maintains the pattern.)

It has been written that many great thinkers have attempted to decode the mysteries of the universe using math, geometry, music, frequency and architecture. The recent popularity of the movie: The daVinci Code and Dan Brown’s most recent book, The Symbol has sparked our imaginations concerning information that has been kept hidden from the populace. While Brown’s book hints at architecture as hidden knowledge, Edwards’ work proves that the ancient Templar cross contains math codes that support cellular rejuvenation.

Providing a mathematical matrix of the frequency field of the body

is very important to our future of understanding physics. Edwards’ research provides many of the answers concerning Pythagorean string theory and how it can be combined with modern string theory to explain how DNA “strings” can be dominated using frequency.

It usually takes a well-funded scientific breakthrough or an overwhelming catastrophe to facilitate overall change that actually makes a difference. People are slow to embrace new scientific information because anything fundamentally different from the status quo intimidates them. Although a major disaster forces transformation, people don’t always adjust willingly. The most profound and permanent way to cause a shift in perception is through affirmative life experience.

In an attempt to shift perceptions concerning health care,

Sharry established at highly innovative educational research facility, the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health to further the novel research that supports the assertion that ancient architectures and language contain math codes that support frequency-based cellular regeneration. The idea of revisiting lost knowledge through the use of computer assembled biometrics provides a new paradigm that may change the face of future medicine.

Using frequency as an intrinsic healing modality is an ancient tool brought forward into the modern era through BioAcoustic Biology; a major innovation that allows a look at health through individual biofrequency assessment.

In the near future biofrequencies, as an indicator of health, will soon become as common as taking your temperature

or blood pressure when you visit your health care provider. AT&T, several universities and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals are working with these principles; with many wellness providers no depending on Sharry to help them deal with patients with mystery symptoms. “The list of how Vocal Profiling can be used seems endless and provides an avenue for the integration of energy medicine with the allopathic approach,” states Roman Chrucky, MD. Dr. Chrucky credits this innovative approach with predicting his heart attack last year and for helping his body reverse a diagnosis of prostate cancer. “My experiences with this technique are very real because they have made a difference in my own life and those of my patients. I’m very happy with this work and very happy that Sharry has stuck to these ideas in the face of much adversity. In my opinion she’s the doctor’s doctor. I send all my perplexing patients to her even though by definition, what she does is not medicine.”

This ancient idea combined with modern technology

utilizes the premise that the body can identify and prescribe for itself using the algorithms of vocalized frequencies to accurately quantify, organize, and extrapolate biometric information.

Known as Vocal Profiling, the idea of analyzing the frequencies and the modulation of a human voice to determine emotional, biochemical and structural status of a person is being used by medical facilities and schools; for military applications; in police work for verification purposes; in research studies for issues thought to be incurable, to determine wellness patterns; to relieve the stress of pain; to determine exposure to toxins and pathogens. From working with the firefighter’s union and engineers at ground zero, to assisting physicians in determining the potential cause of health related mysteries, this novel work is Star Trek medicine in the making.

No one argues that our present health care system is in crisis and that people are seeking alternatives.  The intention behind the many public software Give-a-Ways conducted by Sound Health is to create unity in health care by creating a system of SELF HEALTH for THE PEOPLE, by THE PEOPLE.

Her goal is to create a new paradigm of health while leaving the present broken system behind. She uses the words of a famous philosopher as her guide:  In order to change something, don’t struggle to change the existing model. Create a new model and make the old one obsolete. … Buckminister Fuller

From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within our words.  In modern times we possess only limited conscious awareness of this information for ourselves and as a means to understand the intentions of others.

Vocal Profiling software has been developed

that can use the frequencies of the voice to create a matrix of biometric information, from fundamental DNA, to the hidden intentions of those who claim to speak for us.  Public classes and software is being distributed to help combat some of the present day health needs: PreVac (pre-vaccination risk factors), Nutritional Consultant, Muscle Management, Allergy Identification, PTSD Prevention, Parkinson’s Recovery, Countervailing the flu seasons and Radiation Exposure, in the hopes of setting up a BioAcoustic Center in every community.

Imagine a future in which the individual frequency-based biomarkers contained within the voice can be used to keep us and our world, healthy and emotionally balanced.

Sharry has for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the voice as a holographic representation of the body. Here are a few of her discoveries that promise to change the face of healing – esoteric as well as conventional:

  • Researchers and Clinicians who use color and sound in combination need to consider brain dominance because color and sound used together can cancel the influence of both – left brained people perceive color and sound as opposites; right brained people perceive color and sound as the same; whole brained people adjust to either depending on the situation
  • Time domain vocal graphs (one note per phoneme) produces a type of information that can be very useful for personality profiling, group dynamics, match-making and other situations where personal actions and reactions would play a part
  • Frequency domain vocal graphs (translating vocal data to numeric data) produces a type of information that can be used to specifically identify the status of biochemicals, muscles, genomes, pathogenic exposure, nutrients, toxicities…
  • Each Sound has an equal and opposite sound, a reciprocal, that can provide information and domain over the originating sound
  • Just like herbs, that produce octaves of sound, healing frequencies are generally combinations that can be equated to established musical scales and harmonics
  • Both frequencies and patterns of the voice contain significant, but different types of information
  • Each person, place, thing and emotion has a “Frequency Equivalent”*. For humans this is known as a Signature Sound which actually consists of several octaves of sound. Anomalous Frequency Equivalents of a signature sound can be used to predict, sometimes 30 days in advance, what distress will occur
  • Just as our brain is hardwired for math, so is our biology. The body and its system of unique biochemistry can be mapped using a mathematical matrix (Mathways*) of health and wellness – The brain speaks a language of mathematical patterns that can be used to entrain the brain
  • Voice spectral analysis examines the structure of the voice – Vocal Profiling interprets the frequencies and patterns associated with individual vocal acoustics
  • Anomalous vocal acoustics can provide diagnostic information equal to the diagnostic ability of oto-acoustic emissions – the ear and voice can both provide a dynamic window into body mechanics, personality and biochemistry
  • Just as there is an organized system of biochemistry; there is an organized system of sounds with individual biology, called Sonistry*
  • The voice is a dynamic picture of the BODY through the interactions of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the Vagus nerve and the brain
  • Vocal profiling allows the detection of invading infectious agents in their genomic state before they become pathogenic

Current Projects Using Vocal Acoustics and Computational Biology

Predicting and monitoring heart stress through vocal acoustics

Profiles for anti-aging, immune system, degenerative connective tissue disease, macular degeneration, mitochondrial DNA, use of nutrients, adrenal, kidney and pancreas function, weight management….

Vocal Biometrics to monitor eye health and vision degeneration

Eliminating the stress of gout pain using frequency

Detecting biomarkers for Alzheimer through vocal analysis

Monitoring hormones through pregnancy, labor and delivery

Allergy symptoms linked to adulterated wheat and food supplies found through vocal profiling

The reduction of health costs through Vocal Profiling

Providing frequencies to eliminate bone loss and muscle atrophy so that space travel can be accomplished

Examining DNA/RNA through vocal frequency patterns helps plan for possible genetic related health issues

Reducing fibromyalgia symptoms using low frequency analog sound

Reversing Cell Signaling Disease using BioAcoustic Sound Presentation

Recent Research publications


Are pesticide resistant seeds responsible for cell signaling malfunctions? 

Computerized Biometric Frequency Modeling Used to Detect Diagnostic Biomarkers through Vocal Acoustics.

A Novel and Rapid method for Detecting and Monitoring Resistant and Mutating Pathogens through Vocal Profiling.

Developing Technologies for BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling as a Viable Component of Integrative Medical Diagnostics and Treatment

Computational Biology used to Monitor Pregnancy Hormones throughout Induced Labor

*words coined for use with Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling research

Books that Sharry Edwards & her work has appeared in

Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine

Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide

Health on the Edge by Larry Trivieri

Natural Detoxification: A Practical Encyclopedia by Jacquelyn Krohn, MD & Frances Taylor, MD

The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine by Leonard Wisneski & Lucy Anderson

The Vivaxis Connection by Judy Jacka, MD

Overtoning: The Complete Guide to Healing with the Human Voice by Wayne Perry

Song of the Spine by Dr. June Wieder Immunization: The Reality behind the Myth by Walene James

New Age Encyclopedia: A Mind~Body~Spirit Reference Guide by Belinda Whitworth

Therapeutic Voice work: Principles and Practice for the Use of Singing As a Therapy by Paul Newham

The Science of Spirit: Beyond the Bleep by O. Frank Turner

Every Day a Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy by Dorrine Davis

Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy by Dorrine Davis

Sound Secrets by Jill Matteson, an official biography of Sharry Edwards, July 2011


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