Using tyranny to create unity

We seek to gather information showing us how to be authentic, enlightened because we strive to live in grace and wisdom to support a better future.  Dissatisfaction leads to the opportunity for change but history tells us that present reality often provides obstacles to change.


Buckminister Fuller said:

“In order to change something, don’t struggle to change the existing model. Create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”


New tools for change that support the ideal of Health for THE PEOPLE, by THE PEOPLE are now available.


Vocal Profiling, through the techniques of BioAcoustic Biology, has the ability to let us know the intentions of our leaders; the motivations of our partners; the foundation of our sense of Self Health and well being.  Would those abilities be of value in the struggle to attain dominion over our intrinsic right to personal freedoms?


AT&T, several universities and Pfizer Pharmaceutical think so with AT&T declaring that “bioacoustics is the medicine of the future”.


From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within our words.  In modern times we possess only limited conscious awareness of this information for ourselves and as a means to understand the intentions of others.


Vocal Profiling software has been developed that can use the frequencies of the voice to create a matrix of information about anyone, from fundamental DNA, to the hidden intentions of those who claim to speak for us.  Public classes and software are being distributed to help combat the present health care crisis: PreVac (pre-vaccination risk factors), Nutritional Consultant, Muscle Management, Allergy Identification, PTSD Prevention, Parkinson’s Recovery, Countervailing the flu seasons and Radiation Exposure, in the hopes of setting up a BioAcoustic center in every community.


Imagine a future in which the individual frequency based biomarkers contained within the voice can be used to keep us and our world, healthy and emotionally balanced.


I’ve been accused of being too scientific by some, too esoteric by others. In actuality I am the bridge between both fields of inquiry.  As the acknowledged pioneer in the emerging field of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling, I have for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the voice as a holographic representation of the body that can be used to change the face of medicine.


It is urgent that we move toward self-responsibility in health care.


The presentation of this new paradigm of health to the people can turn tyranny into opportunity.


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